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A dedicated computer science student with a passion for technology and problem-solving, currently pursuing his master's degree and with experience in web development
Navigating the Shadows: Unveiling the Challenges Faced by Software Developers · In today's digital era, software development plays a vital role in...
Exploring the Various Career Paths and Technology Stacks for Master of Computer Applications Graduates in 2023 · MCA (Master of Computer Applications) is...
A Comprehensive Guide to Building Your Skills and Launch Your Career · As technology continues to advance, the demand for full-stack web developers...
Mastering the Art of Studying: A Guide to Acing Your Computer Science Exams · Computer Science (CS) exams can be a daunting task for students, but with...
Navigating the Challenges of a Master's degree in Computer Science · While pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science, there are several things that...
The past 5 years have been a defining period in my life as a computer science student, and it has been shaped by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As a...